Poem’s for Peace is a global initiative SICA began in 2012 in response to an appeal by Peace One Day's founder Jeremy Gilley to join a coalition of NGOs working with Interpeace in support of Peace One Day, to celebrate the United Nations International Day of Peace. SICA joined that coalition, and when asked what we would do for Peace Day, we spontaneously said — totally out of the blue: "Poems for Peace."
Since then, SICA has hosted Poems for Peace® programs in more than 14 countries. Over a million people have been involved. And in Austin, Texas, where Poems for Peace got started, we've been honored by the City and given a proclamation proclaiming Poems for Peace Day by the Mayor.
Why poetry? To quote Voltaire, ”Poetry is the music of the soul.” We grow up with poems. They’re in our nursery rhymes, our music, our holy books, our history, our prayers, our hearts. Whether we write, recite, perform, or sing a poem, when we share poems with another, we connect to that deeper place inside. We touch the place that knows compassion and forgiveness, the place that values love and respect — building blocks of humanity and peace.
SICA’s Poems for Peace® is an invitation to connect to that place inside us all and share one's favorite poems, one's own or one's favorites, on Peace Day.

Photograph © Maria Ismana Schulze-Vorberg, Poetry of Light, Germany.
Poetry of Light is also an Associate Member of SICA.
The quote on the image comes from William Butler Yeats poem, "The Lake Isle of Innisfree."
Photograph © Maria Ismana Schulze-Vorberg, Poetry of Light, Germany.
Poetry of Light is also an Associate Member of SICA.
The quote on the image comes from William Butler Yeats poem, "The Lake Isle of Innisfree."
Download the Proclamation from the Mayor of Austin, Texas honoring SICA's Poems for Peace last year and declaring September 21 Poems for Peace Day in Austin.
Our Vision
Our vision is of human beings living and working from their true selves — creating harmony through awareness — in an emerging "culture of the sacred," where "sacred" reflects our deepest convictions about life and describes what reconnects us to ourselves, our earth, and our humanity.
Need more info? CONTACT US
Events & Workshops

Wolfsburg, Germany 2013
SICA met with reps of 25 countries in 2013 to plan SICA acitivities — and most especially, to plan for Poems for Peace events that could happen in many of those coutires.
SICA readies for Poems for Peace presentation at Planetarium (below)